Month: February 2015

New Beer Blog Bell’s Brewery Jupiter The Bringer Of Jollity Brown Ale


In this special beer blog, we are going to get into another brew from the Planet Series from Bell’s Brewery.  It is Jupiter The Bringer Of Jollity Brown Ale.  If you read my earlier beer blog posts on their beers, you know the history of this Michigan craft brewery.  If you have not, please, read to get to know this Michigan craft brewery.  Let us get into this Imperial Brown Ale.

This special release ale has a nice brown color with a constant off white to slightly tan color head. The aroma has a sweet nutty, malty, and a little to fade alcohol notes. The taste of this fourth release from the planet series has a slight alcohol burn in the front of the pallet with some nice malty and nutty notes in the back part of the tasting experience. The aftertaste has a nutty notes that hangs around for a bit. It is kind of drinkable but it is a nice sipping beer.

Here is a description from the beer bottle:

This is one of a seven part series inspired by Gustavo Holst’s musical composition, “The Planets.” Strap in and embark on a flavor tour of our solar system – in the order of Holst’s piece. Mars to Neptune.

Here is a description from their website (

Bell’s Brewery Planet Series

Jupiter – The Bringer of Jollity

TASTING NOTES: The fourth release in our Planets Series shines the spotlight on specialty malts, while the hops take on more of a supporting role. Brewed with seven different varieties of malt and hopped for a balanced bitterness, this Imperial Brown Ale has bready, biscuity, toasty notes along with light chocolate and roast flavors. This beer is robust, warming and satisfying like the piece of music it was named after.

Here is a their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @bellsbrewery

Closing, I was pretty excited to see this series of beers to hit the market.  There has been some really good beers and there are a few bad ones.  I should say they are good but did not live up to the price that was being charged.  Series of beers like this makes the beer drinker retry their everyday beers.  I have to say that I have not revisited any of their everyday beers.  I will now get into this brew.  This is a great beer. There is not too many really good Imperial Brown Ale.  I do not believe there is not too many Imperial Brown Ales period in the market.  There is a nice balance that the beer drinker will be sipping or dare he or she to make it a drinkable.  I hope they bring it back full-time or a seasonal. They did a great job on it. A ton of flavor and I love the nice nutty notes.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13

New Beer Blog Une Année Brewery Maya Belgian Imperial India Pale Ale


In this beer blog, we are going to get into one of my favorite craft brewery from Chicago.  It is Une Année Brewery and it is Maya Belgian Imperial India Pale Ale.  If you read my earlier beer blog posts on their stout, you know the history of this young and upcoming craft brewery.  If you have not, please, read it to get to this Chicago base craft brewery.  Let us get into this Imperial IPA.

It has a cloudy copper color with a white constant head. The smell has a slight citrus notes. The taste has a funky sweet citrus notes with slight carbonation notes. The aftertaste has a sweet malty to citrus notes. It is pretty drinkable beer.

Here is a description from their website (

Maya – Belgian IPA

ABV: 7.6% – Inspired by the founder’s daughter, and just like her, truly a one of a kind. A uniquely dryhopped Belgian Golden Ale with a subtle sweetness and a lot of mischievous tones. Don’t be disarmed by her easy going nature, she packs quite a punch.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @uneannee

Closing, I am so happy to see this craft brewery having some success and start moving their beers out of the Chicagoland area.  I love the name of this craft brewery.  It is the French word for one year.  There is some nice packaging.  They did a great job color and aroma.  There is a nice balance in the taste profile.  I love it and it is pretty drinking brew.  This is a great brewery and I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13