
New Beer Blog Stone Brewing Delicious IPA


In this beer blog, we are going to sample Stone Brewing Delicious IPA.  This is one of the newer beers from this west coast craft beer legend.  If you read my earlier beer blog posts on their beers, you know the history of Stone Brewing.  If you have not, please, read them to get to know this west coast craft brewery.  Let us get into this IPA.

It has a clear golden to a light copper color with a white constant head. The aroma has a Lemon Drop candy like smell. The taste has a slight lemonish notes but a heavy grass to weed notes. The aftertaste has a heavy weed like notes along with the dry bitter finish. It is kind of drinkable beer.

Here is a description from their website (www.stonebrewing.com):

Stone Delicious IPA// <!–

While our beers are many and diverse, yet unified by overarching boldness, India pale ales are our undeniable bread and butter. We’ve brewed many over the past 18 years, from double-down bitter bombs to piney session sippers. Whether it’s big IBUs or a precise ABV, there’s usually a target we’re shooting for. The same is true of this, our latest IPA, but we gave zero thought to any acronyms. This one was all about packing as much unique and, you guessed it, delicious flavor into a glass as humanly possible, regardless of oomph or octane. This intensely citrusy, beautifully bitter beer is worthy of the simple-yet-lordly title of Stone Delicious IPA. Lemondrop and El Dorado hops combine to bring on a magnificent lemon candy-like flavor that’s balanced by hop spice. It’s unlike anything we’ve tasted in nearly two decades of IPA experimentation, and another lupulin-laced creation we’re excited to introduce to hopheads everywhere.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:

Website:  www.stonebrewing.com

Twitter;  @stonebrewingco

Closing, I am a sucker for new beers and even more for new IPA’s.  I had to pick up this beer from Stone Brewing.  I know there are so many new and different IPA’s on market and Stone Brewing has made so many to hit the market.  Why another IPA to the market?  It is pretty simple.  New hops hit the market and they do different things to the aroma and taste profile of beer.  This one has a nice balance with a nice malty backbone.  I love it. I will be getting more of it.  This is a limited release and kind of seasonal beer.  I hope this become an everyday brew.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser

Email:  djweiser16@gmail.com

Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13

2013 in review Thanks For All The Support!

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

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A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,500 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 42 trips to carry that many people.

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Thanks For The Support!

Bill DJ Weiser