Month: April 2019

New Video Game Blog GTA Online New Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Repo Missions

In this new video game blog, we are going to get into new contract missions release on April 25th 2019 on GTA Online. I love doing the contract missions. I always love doing Simeon’s missions. I will have another blog to break down my thoughts on each of the missions. There is a total of eight new missions. List below are all the missions that were released today. I pulled the description from Rockstars Newwire.

Under The Hammer

Simeon’s received word that the La Mesa Police are hosting an auction of illicitly-acquired vehicles. They’re already hot, so stealing them again is probably a victimless crime, right? Boost the vehicles for your favorite Armenian auto dealer and receive a handsome reward for your efforts.

Blow Up IV

There’s a rival trader in town undercutting Simeon’s prices. But Mr. Yetarian always has an Ace up his sleeve – this particular Ace works at the competition’s warehouse and has “forgotten” to lock up for the evening. Head over to where the cars are stashed and convert them into junk metal for a tidy sum.


There’s an Arena War show happening outside the Maze Bank Arena. Simeon needs you to steal those monster trucks for him, then pay a visit to a couple of old friends.

In closing, this is first three new missions. They will be releasing more missions in the next few weeks. With our new DLC being delayed, I wonder if this is Rockstars way of giving us something or was this part of the new DLC. One of the missions has Arena War tie in it. I am just saying. I believe part 2 is around the corner. I try not to talk on the weekly events. I normally let the YouTubers do that. I believe this is a huge opportunity to make some money. These missions this week until May 1st are double money and RP along with CEO crates. I would if I was you get out there and start grinding crates. Take a break and check out these new missions. I have three large and two medium warehouses. I am looking to make about 15 million when full. Thanks for coming by so until next time. Play Hard and Party On!


DJ Weiser

Twitter: @djweiser


New Video Game Blog Arena War Part 1 Dead? #gtaonline

In this blog, we are going to debate if the Arena War is dead. Let us drive into this subject. I will explain my status and give a nice tip at the end.

I have been grinding this arena hard the last two weeks. I will agree with everyone that you do not see too many invites while you are in a lobby. If you try to join in from the board that is in your office, there will be no one waiting for a match to begin about 90% of the time. I am betting that is one reason why players are saying the Arena is dead. I do agree that the payout, RP, and AP is not that great. The modes are fun and every player has said this about the arena.

It depends on what Arena War modes you are getting into. There are modes that are more popular than others. The tip that I will give you is pretty simple. I found it by accident. It does work about 90% of the time. Go to your office in the arena. Once you are then open up the board. Asides, hitting the button to enter the arena. Hit the button to go “On Call.” This will put you in a lobby with other active players. The most time that I waited was two minutes.

In closing, the arena is not dead. Has it slowed down since launch? Yes that is correct. This is not best money making way in the game. I know this is another reason why players are saying it is dead. Most of the stunt and regular races are not as active since they lanch. I am not saying that Arena War gets used as much as a bunker. Players are still in the Arena. Stop saying it. I hope to see you in the arena. Until next time play hard and party on!


DJ Weiser

Twitter: @djweiser


New Video Game Blog GTA Online Arena War Part 2 #gtaonline

In this blog, we are going to get into the next DLC. This what I think. I do not work for Rockstar or Take Two. I am going to back this with some facts that gives me this theory. I know this is not popular at all to this and what I believe. I am going to put a thought out there that leads why we did not get a DLC in March. Let’s get into this.

The first fact is there is left over cars and Arena Premium races that they never drip feed. This is coming from Twitter account, which is @tex2funz. He even said in one of his tweets that it does not make sense. I totally agree. They know thay GTA fans are not in love with Arena War.

The second fact is look at the theme weeks since Biker week on March 14th. The week of the 21st was Speed Week. It was full of double money on most races. Week of March 28th was RC Races that came out with the Arena War. The week of April we had Motor Wars. I know this is a reach but races and weaponize vehicles. This week we had Benny lowrider discounts. I know you are thinking how does this relate with Arena War Part 2. You have a Benny’s person help update your cars in your Arena Garage.

In closing, this is a pretty quick post. I realize this is a reach. However, the last drip feed items was released yesterday on #RDR2ONLINE, I believe we will hear something here soon for GTAONLINE. I really felt that Arena War was missing a few modes. I feel the delay of this DLC could mean Rockstar is working on fixing the payout and RP. I know they never have done this before. This could be a hope and a dream. I know one thing GTAOnline will get the next DLC. RDR2Online will have DLC release in late spring. It does line up perfectly. Once all the drip feed items are done. The other game will get their next DLC. I know this will be unpopular for both camps. Until next play hard and party on!


DJ Weiser

Twitter: @djweiser


New Video Game Red Dead Online Money Guide #RDR2Online

In this blog, we are going to get into my first money guide on RDR Online. Let us get into. Time is money.

This will take place in the New Austin area of Trumbullweed. You need a fishing rod and/or some kind of shotgun or reaper. The gun is optional which I will get into later. We are going to hit this fishing spot south of Trumbullweed. Please see the map below.

It is a little tricky to get down there. I put you on the path to get down to the spot. Please, just follow the path down. So for the first few times you go there during the day to make sure that you can see the path. You will be fishing bass here. You can hold up to 10 fish. They are worth $2.00 per fish. You are looking at a profit of $20.00. This is the first of two fishing area. Let us move to the next fishing spot. See the map below to get the next spot.

The next spot is by the island. It is pretty easy to get to this one. You will be fishing for trout and it is Steelhead Trout. Get 10 of these fishes and it will get you $25.00 so that is $2.50 per fish. If you have went to both locations and grab 10 of each fish, you have already made $45.00. Becareful here, sometimes it will be someone’s camp site. I found this spot from a cool YouTuber Red Beard The Gamer. Please, check out his channel. The cool thing about the fish being in your bag. If other players start to attack, switch to a new lobby and you keep them. Anything on your horse like pelts etc. You will loss them, when you do switch to another lobby. Make sure when you come back, you pick Freemode. This will be you in the last location where you left last lobby.

There is a few other options you can do before you go to butcher in Trumbullweed. You can to train station and see Hector to run a stranger mission. It depends on the mission but there are a few that will put you in Trumbullweed, which is cool and that is where you are going. The other option is go on a hunt. This is where the repeater and shotgun will come in handle. You are better off using these guns to take down the birds like the raven, connor, and hawks. It is tough to take them down with arrows. There are hogs, rabbits, and a few other animals on the way. If it is night, you might run into a pack of wolves. This is all bonus on top of your current money making method with the fish. You can make between $45.00 to $60.00 plus every 30 minutes. In an hour, just fishing you can make $90.00. If you throw the hunting with it when heading back to the butcher in Trumbullweed, you will make up to or more than $100.00 per hour. That is some good money.

In closing, I have made some money and spend it all. I have made in two hours about $200.00 plus the last two nights. I will be searching out new locations that are rich of money but are safe. Players that are not money grinders will come and attack you. Becareful out and I will find more places like this one. My last word before I close this post up. Please, check out Red Beard The Gamer on YouTube. He was the one that found the trout fishing spot. He is also on Instagram and Facebook. I am not sure about Twitter. If you want to play together on RDR2Online or Gtaonline, please, message me on social media below. Until next time play hard and party on!


DJ Weiser

Twitter: @djweiser


New Video Game Blog Mic Etiquette Online #ps4 #psn #xbox #RDR2Online # gtaoline

In this video game blog, we are going to get into an issue that every gamer experience while playing online. I know in most games online has some options to mute the player or leave tbe lobby. Let us get into it.

Background Noise

You will hear everything from a dog barking to a kid crying. I get it. Everyone has a life outside of the game. We do not need to hear your favorite song blasting in the background. Even if I like, I do not need to hear. The best is when I was in a GTA lobby and this dude was having sex with his wife or girlfriend. We are all guilty of leaving our mics on and not turn them off. We all did dumb crap and say stupid things. This is respect to all the gamers in the lobby. We are all here to joy these great games.

Eating Food

Come on, we are all human. We need food and I get you want to keep on the money grind. Please mute your mic or take a break. This is a big one for me outside of music playing.

Broken or Messed Up Mic

Do I really need to say anything about this? Please, fix your mic or buy a new one.

In closing, you might agree or disagree with anything that I said in this blog. It is fine. We are allow to have different thoughts. Treat people how you want to be treated. It is simple as that. It is respect and not being rude to someone that is your co player. Please, let me know what you think.


DJ Weiser


Twitter: @djweiser