Month: December 2016

New Beer Blog Revolution Brewery Oktoberfest (2016)

In this fall beer blog, we are going to get into another beer from Revolution Brewery. It is their Oktoberfest. If you read my earlier beer blog posts, you know the history of this Chicago base craft brewery. If you have not, please, read them to get to know this Midwest craft brewery. Let us get into this beer. 

It has a clear amber color with a white constant head. The smell has a slight sweet malty notes. The taste has a dry malty notes with hints of some nutty notes. Thr aftertaste has a dry malty to nutty finish. It is pretty drinkable. 

In the end, when I was in Chicago, I had a chance to stop by an old liquor store. I have been burned out of Oktoberfest.  I always like trying new beers.  This was a no brainer to pick it up.  This is a good Oktoberfest. I do not like dry malty finish but I know others do. I highly recommend this beer. Go get some! Drink it! Enjoy it! Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter: @djweiser

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