sixpoint brewing

New Beer Blog Sixpoint Sensi Harvest


In this beer blog, we are to sample another brew from one of my favorite east coast craft brewery, who is Sixpoint Brewery.  It is their Sensi Harvest.  If you read my earlier beer blog posts on their beers, you know the history of this craft brewery.  If you have not, please, read them to get to know Sixpoint Brewery.  Let us get into this pale ale.

It has a nice clear copper color without a head on this harvest pale ale. The aroma has a floral to citrus notes. The taste has a nice malty with hints of citrus notes. The aftertaste has a citrus aftertaste. It is extremely drinkable beer.

Here is a description from their website (

A copper ale bursting with fresh, undisturbed hop character.
Juicy wet-hops carefully selected by the Mad Scientists make SENSI HARVEST a unique delicacy available only at harvest time.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @sixpoint

Ending, if you read my earlier beer posts on their beers, you know that I am a huge fan of their beers.  They make some awesome beer.  I was pretty excited when I made a road trip down to Ohio and saw their beers on the shelf.  I saw this one and I thought this is no brainer.  I love some fresh or harvest hop ales.   I love the color and aroma from this pale ale.  I am not too sure on how I feel about the taste profile.  I like it but I think the hops or malt are not going good together.  This is a great beer but I only can have one.  I need to move on to another brew.  This is what the taste profile does to me.  I highly recommend this brew at least one.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13

New Beer Blog Sixpoint Brewery Hi-Res Ale


In this beer blog, we are going to get into another and a new brew from Sixpoint Brewery.  It is their Hi-Res Ale.  If you read my earlier beer blog post, you know the history of this Brooklyn Craft Brewery.  If you have not, please, read those beer blog posts to get to know Sixpoint Brewery.  Let us get into the beer.

It has a slight cloudy golden color with a nice white constant head.  The aroma has citrus to slight grapefruit notes.  The taste is a medium to full body with some grapefruit to tropical fruit notes.  It is extremely drinkable Double IPA.  The aftertaste has a nice mango or grapefruit notes.  It is hard to pick up.

Here is a video from their website ( and YouTube (

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @sixpoint

In the end of the night, I will have to say this beer put me down for the night. It is extremely drinkable and does not taste like a Double or Imperial India Pale Ale.  Sixpoint has out did themselves again on this beer.  I never thought I would find another Imperial IPA better than their Resin.  I love the aroma and taste notes of the tropical fruits or grapefruit.  If I still lived in Chicago, this would be my go to beer on a regular basis along with Resin.  I have turn on mass-produced lager drinkers to this beer.  I know how that sounds but they love it.  If you are in the market where Sixpoint sells their beers, you need to run to the store RIGHT NOW and get yourself a four pack.  You will thank me later.  Share your Sixpoint love with others!  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

New Beer Blog Sixpoint Brewing 3Beans


In this beer blog, we are going to get into another beer from Sixpoint Brewing.  This is a new beer from this Brooklyn base brewery and the beer is called 3Beans.  If you read my earlier beer blog post on their beers, you know about the history this brewery.  If you have not, please, read the first part of that beer blog.  Let us get into the beer.

The color of this unique beer from Sixpoint Brewing is a brown to dark brown color with a slight brown white color head on it. The smell is a heavy coffee bean to the beer. The taste is a full body of complex taste. It has coffee to toffee and a little chocolate. It is a understatement to say there is a ton going on in this beer. It is not drinkable beer but good beer with a cigar on a Sunday afternoon. Even though, I do not smoke.

Here is a description from the beer can:

Take thou also unte thee wheat, and barley, and beans…and part them in one vessel.  The beans of bygone brewers, united with cacao and coffee, to creat a trinity of roasted, rich, and savory flavors.

Here is a desecration of the beans off the packaging of the beer:

Romano Beans

Favored by brewers in centuries past, these hardy legumes are blended with barley malt during the mashing to feed the fermentation, while their proteins add texture and complexity.

Cacao Beans

Liberated from their lager pods, the fermented husks of the roasted cacao beans add notes of rich chocolate to brew. Provided by Mast Brothers Chocolate

Coffee Beans

A cold-brewed concoction of hand-picked, meticulously roasted coffee beans infuses the brew before aging on oak.  Provided by Stumptown Coffee Roasters

Beans And Beers:

A brief history, As the culture of beer spread around the globe, diverse new brewing styles emerged.  When the brewers of old Baltic Europe riffed on a popular foreign style, they formulated new recipes by harnessing familiar techniques and locally available ingredients.  3Beans is a Sixpoint’s tribute to these bygone brewers: a rich, oak-aged brew with our own additions of chocolate and coffee.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @sixpoint

In closing, this beer has a ton going on in it.  It has a full body while giving the craft beer drinker a complex taste that will keep them coming back for more.  Every sip, the drinking experience gives the beer drinker something different every time.  At first, you will smell and taste the coffee but when you break it down more you will notice a few other things in the beer.  I really enjoyed this beer and I will be picking it as long as it is available.  I need to get back to Brooklyn to visit their brewery.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter;  @djweiser

New Beer Blog Sixpoint Brewing Diesel


In this winter beer blog, we are going to get into one of my favorite breweries out of New York City.  The brewery is Sixpoint Brewing and the beer is their winter seasonal called Diesel Stout.  If you read my earlier beer blog on their beers, you know how I feel towards this brewery and the history of it.   If you have not, please, read the beer blog called Sixpoint Brewing Apollo.  Let us get into this great stout.

This winter seasonal has a jet black color with a light tan color head to the stout. The smell is a chocolate with a citrus to the beer. The taste is a complex full body beer. It has a chocolate to coffee with piney with a dry chocolate aftertaste. It is drinkable beer to me but I can see people thinking it is not a drinkable beer.

Here is a description from the beer can:

Each dawn is clear cold air bites the throat.  Thick frost on the pine bough leaps from the tree snapped by the diesel.  On the darkest days of the year, light becomes a luxury.  Just when you think you cannot penetrate the darkness…SNAP!  Light pieces through the roasted pine forest.

Here is a description from their website (



This undefinable black brew is part black IPA, part American Stout, but 100% Diesel powered. Robust chocolate and roasted flavors, with thick pine hop flavor and aroma.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @sixpoint

Closing out the winter season, I am sadden by the fact that winter is ending because I love the fall and winter sesaonal beers.  Spring and summer seasonals beer are not one of my favorites.  I really loves this beer because it gives you something little different.  However Sixpoint Brewing gives the craft beer drinker something different, this is way I love Sixpoint.  The craft beer drinker will get the stout and then the snap of the piney at the back part of the tasting experience.  The piney hops echo in the aftertaste.  This is a beer that will give you more for the beer drinker.  If you are looking for the normal stout, this beer is not for you.  If you are a stout or hophead that is looking for something different in your beer, this beer is perfect for you.  I know this beer is not going to be for everyone.  I recommend you trying this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser