New Beer Blog 21st Amendment Brewery Fireside Chat Winter Spiced Ale


In this winter beer blog, we are going to get into another brew from 21st Amendment Brewery.  It is their Fireside Chat Winter Spiced Ale.  If you have read my earlier beer blog posts on their beers, you know the history of this west coast craft brewery.  If you have not, please, read them to get to know 21st Amendment Brewery.  Let us get into this winter ale.

It has a clear amber color with a tan constant head. The smell has a sweet malty to alcohol notes. The taste has a sweet malty, alcohol with other spices notes. The aftertaste has a nice warm alcohol finish. It is a nice sipping beer with cigar and fireplace.

Here is a description from their website (

Like FDR’s Depression-era radio addresses, which were like a kick in the butt and a hug at the same time, our Fireside Chat is a subtle twist on the traditional seasonal brew. We begin with a rich, dark, English-style ale and then we improvise with spices until we know we have a beer worth sharing with the nation.

Fireside Chat is our early winter seasonal brew available from October through December in six-pack cans and on draft. Brewed like a classic, warming Strong Ale but with a subtle blend of hand-selected spices for just the right festive flair.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @21stAmendment

Closing, I enjoyed a lot of beers from 21st Amendment Brewery.  I was pretty excited when I made a road trip down to Ohio for a family event.  I stopped by the local craft beer store and I was pretty excited to see their beers on shelf.  It was a no brainer to pick up a few six and four packs of their brews.  I saw this one and I was pretty excited because I never had it.  I have been wanting to try it for a while now.  I love the story behind this beer.  This beer holds up its end of the bargain.  I really enjoyed this brew.  I love the balance in this brew.  It does warm you up on coldest days in the winter.  I love how the Cocoa Nibs goes well with all the other spices notes.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13

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