root beer

New Beer Blog Small Town Brewery Not Your Father’s Root Beer


In this beer blog, we are going to get into an unique product from Small Town Brewery.  It is their Not Your Father’s Root Beer.  This is the first time. This brewery and beer is being featured on this blog.  Here is the history of this young brewery from their website (

Small Town Brewery

My great-great-grandfather from the 1600s was the captain of a ship in England. He was also a bit of a gambler. As legend has it, he won a brewery during a high-stakes card game, which led him to start crafting his own beers. He began brewing beer on the ships he sailed. This allowed him to travel further than other vessels because beer stayed fresh during long journeys. The story goes that his beer was even consumed on a fleet of ships he commanded that transported some of the earliest settlers to America.

Growing up, I had never heard the complete story about my great-great-grandfather until I expressed an interest in making my own beer. When I told my mom that I planned to open a brewery, she finally revealed my family’s beer making history and why brewing was “in my blood.” Using some of my great-great-grandfather’s recipes as inspiration, I founded Small Town Brewery. At Small Town, our goal is to honor my family’s beer making tradition by creating handcrafted, specialty beers with unique and flavorful ingredients.

I just learned something from that description above about the history of this brewery and packaging.  It now makes senses why there is an old sailing ship on the package.  Let us get into this root beer.

It has a black color with the pop bubbles on side of the glass and in it. There is not head on this ale. The smell has a sweet root beer notes. The taste has an old fashion root beer notes without alcohol notes. The aftertaste has a dry root beer finish. It is pretty drinkable beer.

Here is a description from their website (

Small Town Brewery

Not Your Fathers Root Beer – 12 oz bottle

Tasting Notes: Silky, smooth and satisfying finish is unmatched in flavor. It appeals to craft beer aficionados as well as those who don’t typically drink beer but crave something unique.

Because of the overwhelming response to Not Your Fathers Root Beer, we have had thousands of requests from all over the country for this product in a package format. We’ve worked relentlessly with experts that make up over 80 years of brewing experience for almost two years to figure out how to increase production to meet demand while keeping the cost to consumers reasonable.

At long last…it’s here.

Serving Temperature: 38°-50°F
Availability: Year Round
Package: 12oz Bottle, 6 Pack

Description: Ale with the Taste of Spices
ABV: 5.9%
Profile: Bold, Sweet, Smooth, Spicy

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @smalltownbrewer

In the end, I heard a rumor that this root beer will be making its way to the Michigan market here soon.  I did not know how to feel about root beer with alcohol in it.  I have to say I am pretty impressed.  I love balance of the root beer and they did a great job on it.  I cannot get any alcohol notes maybe towards the end in the aftertaste.  This is a great product. This is by far best root beer with alcohol on the market.  I have had a few Hard Root Beer.  I have to say I did not like most of them.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13

New Beer Blog Sprecher Brewing Bootlegger’s Bourbon Barrel Hard Root Beer


In this beer blog, Sprecher Brewing from Wisconsin is the feature brewery with their Bootlegger’s Bourbon Barrel Hard Root Beer.  Sprecher Brewing was founded in 1985 in Milwaukee by Randal Sprecher.  They brew several different beer styles and pops.  They are best known for their soda pops or I like to say pop.  They won several different beer awards for their brews.  Let us get into their brew.

It has a root beer color like a cloudy brown color without a head on the beer.  The smell is root beer with some alcohol notes.  The taste is root beer that you would find your neighborhood grocery store.  The aftertaste is root beer alcohol notes.  It is pretty drinkable.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:


Twitter:  @sprecherbrewery

In closing, I am not a huge fan of taking pop and mixing alcohol.  I was a little nervous trying this brew or pop.  This is a pretty big and growing segment in the alcohol world.  I was pretty curious on this beverage.  I have to say I am pretty impressed by it.  This beer has a heavy root beer taste and you can barely taste the alcohol in this brew.  I recommend you trying this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser


Twitter:  @djweiser