fat head’s brewery

New Beer Blog Fat Head’s Bumble Berry Ale

In this beer blog, we are going to get into another beer from Fat Head’s Brewery.  It is their Bumble Berry Ale.  If you read my earlier beer blog posts on their beers, you know the history of this Midwest and West Coast craft brewery.  If you have not, please, read them to get to know this Ohio base craft brewery.  Let us get into this fruit beer.

It has a clear golden color with a white constant head. The aroma has a heavy blueberry notes. The taste has a sweet blueberry notes with a heavy blueberry finish for the aftertaste. It is pretty drinkable beer.

Here is a description from their website (www.fatheadsbeer.com):

Brewed with fresh harvested spring honey stolen from some very angry bees (we have the welts to prove it) and infused with fresh blueberries. Creating a light, refreshing ale with a nice blueberry aroma, crackery malt flavors, a hint of sweetness and a refreshing blueberry finish. Get yo buzz on!

Food Pairings: Salads, Chicken, Oatmeal Cookies.

Here is their website and twitter addresses:

Website:  www.fatheadsbeer.com

Twitter:  @fatheadsbeer

Closing, fruit beers are the hottest trend right now in the beer world.  There are some craft breweries that already had fruit beers.  This beer was one of them.  I like it and I will get more. It is not like Wild Blue when it first came out. I am not a fan of Wild Blue anymore because my taste of beer has changed.  Blueberry is there but not overpowering unlike Wild Blue.  This is a great dessert beer and perfect one in the summer.  I highly recommend this beer.  Go get some!  Drink it!  Enjoy it!  Metal it!  \m/


Bill DJ Weiser

Email:  djweiser16@gmail.com

Twitter:  @djweiser

Instagram:  @djweiser13